Ennaan In Kūrijṃōj Eo An H.E. President Heine:
Iọkwe ñan aolep armej in Ṃajeḷ. Eḷap amro karejara Tommy im baaṃle eo amro ṃōṇōṇō in lewaj ñan koṃ juon naan in iọkiọkwe eo emāāṇāṇ tata ilo Kūrijṃōj in.
Kūrijṃōj ej juon iien ad wōj leto letak, im jake-to jake-tak jebōl eo, im kōkajoor jeṃdoon ko ad ikōtaan nukun ko adwōj ñan doon. Ilo ad koba tok ippān ro nukud im ro jitenbōro ñan ad keememe ḷotak eo an Irooj im Ri-Lọmọọr Jesus Christ, im jej pād wōt ilo jitūbōn kaṃṃoolol kōn menin letok ko rellōñ im ejjeḷọk jeṃḷọkier ñan wōṇaake kōj armej in Aelōñ Kein. Jen bōk iien in im keejekḷọkjeṇ kōn aenōṃṃan eo, jokōṃṃan eo, im jeraaṃṃan eo me Kūrijṃōj ej bōk tok im kōmmour jitūbōn jouj im meanwōd ilo jukjukin pād ko ad.
Eaar jab juon iiō eo epidodo ilo an kar kien in ad dibuk elōñ menin mālejjoñ ko, bōtaab jej kaṃṃoolol Anij bwe elōñ wōt iaan menin kōttōpar im jibadbad ko ad eṃōj aer tōprak im rainin jej laudiñdiñ kaki. Ilo ad reiṃaan wōj ñan deḷọñe juon iiō eo ekāāl, ña ij rejañ armej in Aelōñ Kein bwe jen jerbal ippān doon im wōdde jippel ñan juon Marshall Islands eo ekūtōk maro bwe en maroñ bōktōk ājmour im leṃōṇōṇō, eḷap tata jeraaṃṃan ñan Aelōñ Kein — bwe enaaj likūt juon jenok ñan epepen ko tokālik. Ewōr aō tōmak im kōjatdikdik bwe ilo ad naaj kijejeto im jibwe pein doon, jemaroñ āeik im ḷame juon ilju eo epo ḷōmān.
Ikōṇaan leḷọk aō naan in kaṃṃoolol ñan aolep ro rej tōl kōj ilo ṃanit, kabuñ ko ad, im kien ko ad, im ro ṃōttad jān laḷ ko rej jipañ tok laḷ in ad, pejneej ko, im eḷap tata ñan koṃ wōj armejin Aelōñ Kein ilo ami wōj jipañ im karejar. Ami kijejeto im ippān doon rej ṃōttan men ko raorōk ilo ṃanit kein ad ñan ad maroñ eddekḷọk im wōnṃaanḷọk.
Ilo etan Cabinet eo, ekoba ri-jerbal ro wōj ilo Public Service eo, kōmij kōṇaan lewaj ñan koṃ, ro nukumi im ro ad jitōnbōro “Mede Kūrijṃōj im Apinuiō.” Iiō in ej pedo tok, 2025, en bōktok aenōṃṃan, iọkwe, im jeraaṃṃan. Anij en kōjeraaṃṃan koṃ, im Anij en kōjeraaṃṃan Aelōñ Kein ad!
Iokwe Komwoj Aolep!
Tommy and I take great pleasure in extending our best wishes and joyous greetings of “Iokwe” to each and everyone of you during this Christmas season.
Christmas is a time of giving, of sharing, and of strengthening the bonds of family. As we gather with our loved ones to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we remain thankful for the many blessings bestowed upon our people and our nation. As a Christian nation, Let us use this time to reflect on the peace, goodwill, and hope that Christmas brings and rekindle the spirit of generosity and good will throughout our communities.
It has been an incredible year filled with both challenging circumstances and triumphs. I wish to extend my gratitude to all our traditional, spiritual, and elected leaders, our diplomatic allies, development partners, the business community, and most especially to my fellow Marshallese for your continued support and contributions. Your dedication and cooperation remain invaluable to the growth and progress of our country.
As we look ahead to the new year, I encourage everyone to continue to work together to help build a safe, healthy, and prosperous future for the Marshall Islands – one that we can proudly leave as a legacy for our children and grandchildren. I have faith and hope that with dedication and hardwork, we can carve a brighter future together.
On behalf of the Cabinet, and all those in the Public Service, we wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2025 bring peace, love, prosperity, and continued blessings. Jerammon! May God bless you and may God bless the Republic of the Marshall Islands!