H.E. President Heine & Cabinet meets with Asian Development Bank

H.E. President Heine & Cabinet meets with Asian Development Bank

MAJURO, MARSHALL ISLANDS – On May 9th, 2024, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) provided a briefing to H.E. President Hilda C. Heine and Cabinet on a proposed project design for the RMI Women and Youth Skills, Empowerment, and Resilience Project (WYSER).

The proposed WYSER project encompasses a holistic approach to address the diverse needs and aspirations of women and youth, focusing on infrastructure development, capacity building, and community empowerment.

Key components of the project include:

  • Renovation and Expansion of the Women’s Training Center.
  • A new family-friendly childcare facility and playground at the College of the Marshall Islands.
  • Seawall rehabilitation at Waan Aelon in Majel (WAM) designed to safeguard the Women’s Training Center and the WAM facilities.
  • Comprehensive training and capacity building programs.

The ADB Women and Youth Skills, Empowerment, and Resilience Project (WYSER) is worth $21.73 million.