Press Release

Her Excellency Hilda C. Heine Attends the 41st Ailinglaplap Local Government Inauguration

On Monday January 29, 2024, Her Excellency President Hilda C. Heine attended the 41st Ailinglaplap Local Government Inauguration in Airok, Ailinglaplap. The inauguration was witnessed by Traditional Leaders, Minister of Cultural & Internal Affairs, Honorable Jess Gasper Jr, Vice Speaker, Honorable Isaac Zachras & Mrs. Zachras, Nitijela members Honorable Bruce Loeak & Mrs. Loeak, Ailinglaplap Senator, Honorable David Anitok, Ailuk Senator, Government Officials and the communities of Ailinglaplap. The inauguration led with an opening prayer by Reverend Iroij Bander Loeak followed by songs from the Protestant Church Choir. 

In her remarks, Her Excellency Hilda C. Heine extended her greetings welcome to all and thanked the Ailinglaplap local government and the community for the invitation to the RMI Government to attend the ceremony. President Heine mentioned the State Of Emergency that was passed for the overflow on Woja, Ailinglaplap and this has been taken immediately to be cleaned up. President Heine stated “Climate Change is a  big issue today and high tides are one of them. During the meeting at the COP28 in Dubai last year 2023, they established a program named Loss and Damage for climate change issues. This program will help our humble shores from getting damaged in the near future.” 

Honorable Riming Ring, Ailinglaplap Mayor & elected Council members were publicly sworn in by the District Court, Honorable Judge Ablos Tarry Paul.
