Bilateral Meeting between Her Excellency President Hilda C. Heine and His Excellency President Lai Ching-te

Bilateral Meeting between Her Excellency President Hilda C. Heine and His Excellency President Lai Ching-te

Taipei, Taiwan – May 22, 2024 – Her Excellency President Hilda C. Heine and His Excellency President Lai Ching-te of the Republic of China (Taiwan) held a bilateral meeting in Taipei on May 22, 2024 highlighting the friendship and mutual cooperation between the two nations.

President Heine thanked President Lai for the kind invitation to witness the memorable inauguration ceremony, and praised President Lai’s powerful inaugural speech stating that it was forward looking, inclusive, and bodes well for the future of ROC (Taiwan). President Heine also expressed her profound appreciation for the unwavering support extended by the ROC (Taiwan) to the Marshall Islands since the establishment of diplomatic relations 26 years ago. The significant impact of the invaluable assistance provided by ROC (Taiwan) in crucial sectors such as healthcare, education, agriculture, and climate resilience towards the development and well-being of Marshallese citizens was acknowledged.

Her Excellency Heine also underlined efforts to increase trade and economic development between the RMI and the ROC (Taiwan). Emphasizing the shared commitment to a safe, secure, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region, President Heine reiterated the Marshall Islands’ dedication to working closely with President Lai under his new leadership for Taiwan and other like-minded partners.

In conclusion, President Heine thanked President Lai for the meeting and expressed anticipation for continued collaboration on commonalities and new areas of mutual interest with ROC (Taiwan).