President Heine Launches RMI’s HRC Campaign During Working Lunch and Dinner with Number of Distinguished UN Ambassadors from the African Group in New York

New York – On May 23, 2024, Her Excellency President Hilda Heine met with members of the United Nations Permanent Representatives of the African Group in New York. 

Her Excellency Heine presented RMI’s campaign for candidacy for the United Nations Human Rights Council to the invited distinguished representatives from the African Group, where she highlighted a cherished Marshallese proverb, “An Pilinlin Koba Ekaman Lometo,” which translates to “a mingle of droplets, makes an ocean.” She explained that for Africa, this proverb resonates as “a little drop of water, makes a mighty river”, a saying that underscores the importance of unity and mutual support, illustrating that despite differences in size, economies, and populations, collective efforts yield significant opportunities.

Distinguished African Group attendees at the luncheon and dinner included Egypt, Gambia, Eritrea, Somalia, Togo, Eswatini, Mozambique, Morocco, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, Benin, and Zimbabwe.

Reflecting on RMI’s previous tenure on the Human Rights Council, President Heine noted the country’s achievements, including the successful adoption by consensus of two key resolutions. These include the creation of the mandate for the Special Rapporteur on climate change and human rights in 2021, and the provision of technical assistance and capacity building to address the human rights implications of RMI’s nuclear legacy. Building on these successes, RMI’s campaign aims to improve streamlined treaty body reporting and advocate for equitable participation of small states in elections and service roles within the Council.

President Heine’s meeting with the African Group signals a strong commitment to fostering international partnerships and advancing human rights on a global scale. Foreign Minister Kalani Kaneko and Ambassador-designate John Silk accompanied President Heine during the luncheon and dinner.